Monday, 26 December 2011 16:29
The third battle of the ATC4 campaign will be in the region of Guglovo on Jan. 4th, 2012. The two sides are observing a cease fire for the Christmas holidays.
With the official release of the 1.60 patch the ATC of course will use this Arma2/OA version for the Campaign.
Sunday, 18 December 2011 15:10
Second ATC Battle - Campaign 2011-12
After the first victory the Redfor maintain the strategic initiative and will attack the sectors of Kabanino, Stary Sobor and Novy Sobor. A very challenging fight is foreseen and both sides have chances to win!
Good Luck!
Friday, 09 December 2011 15:27
The fourth ATC Campaign is on a go!
First ATC4 Battle - Campaign 2011-12
Wednesday, Dec. 14th 2011
The Redfor will attack the sectors of Pusta, Prigorodki, Kozlova.
Good Luck!