Category Archives: ATC6

ATC #6, 4th Battle

ATC #6, 4th Battle
August 2nd, 2015
BLUFOR: 27th Specialists Marines, ATM, Elite Corps, Polish Arma Community, TIERS, ZuluAlpha
REDFOR: ASO Squad, Brigata Dispiegamento Rapido, SHAPE,  Special Assault Squad, United […]

ATC #6, 3rd Battle

ATC #6, 3rd Battle
July 26th, 2015
BLUFOR: 27th Specialists Marines, ATM, Elite Corps, Polish Arma Community, TIERS, ZuluAlpha
REDFOR: ASO Squad, Brigata Dispiegamento Rapido, SHAPE,  Special Assault Squad, United […]

ATC6 Test Battle Outcome

I would like to tank all 112 player connected with our TS3 to participate for the test battle on Sunday 12th of April, it was AWESOME!

The success of the […]