Category Archives: ATC7

ATC #7 Campaign: The war is over!

ATC #7 Campaign: The war is over!
By winning the ninth and last battle Blufor won the ATC #7 Campaign, 2016. It will be remembered as a very fighted Campaign, with several dramatic turns of events as the Blufor reconquer of their previously  lost areas. At the end Blufor owned 6 areas and Redfor 4.


ATC #7 Campaign: Battle 7

ATC #7 Campaign: Battle 7

In Battle 6 Blufor defended successfully Area 3, Redfor captured the sector of Koroni. Now Blufor attack Redfor area 6!

Sunday Nov. 27th, 20.00 CET (19.00 UTC) TS3 Assembly
Mission start: 20.15 CET – 19.15 UTC
Battle Area: Redfor Area 6
Blufor will attack – Redfor defend

In game time […]

ATC #7 Campaign: Battle 5

ATC #7 Campaign: Battle 5
In the fourth battle Redfor successfully defended Area 4 by maintaining the possess of two sectors. Blufor captured the southern sector. Now Redfor counter-attack!

Sunday Nov. 13th, 20.00 CET (19.00 UTC) TS3 Assembly
Mission start: 20.15 CET – 19.15 UTC
Battle Area: Blufor Area 1
Redfor will attack – Blufor […]