Hello All, the 13th would like to join. As of now, we have 4 players that like to play, that are very tactical oriented and also communicate well. We are a Russian/CDF based clan, we use mostly Russian equipment and "stolen/Nato supplied" older USMC equipment.
As a clan we are trying to start it back up, we were going strong when the leadership collapsed and the clan fractured. We are trying to reformat the clan and start a new recruitment push. Any new recruits will be joining us if they are able. We also have a squad xml though we are making a new forum/homepage under the same address as before, and also making a new "patch/logo" for our team that more resembles a actual military patch.
If you would like to go to our site its at:
http://www.13th-soag.co.uk/Please note that the game server on the home page isn't our any longer. Just have to get the webmaster to change it.