We are pleased to announce a Team Leaders and Representatives Meeting in preparation of the ATC6 Campaign.
The Meeeting will take place on Sunday May 17th at 18.00 UTC in the ATC TS3 server (vs15.tserverhq.com:6247 no password).
– mission and fixes
– modset
– formation of the two sides
– campaign start date
Hope you all can participate!
Best regards
ATC Staff

I would like to tank all 112 player connected with our TS3 to participate for the test battle on Sunday 12th of April, it was AWESOME!
The success of the mission is to be shared with Enc0de who made ATC6 mission scripts and BDR Cobra for mission making.
We are confident we could resolve the bugs encountered and that we will be able to announce the scrim battle and start of Campaign #6 very soon!
In the meantime, all those who have video footages or screenshots are kindly asked to post them in the MEDIA ROOM.
Further FEEDBACKS are appreciated!
Again, thank you all!

We are pleased to announce a final build test for ATC6 Campaign. This test will be a full scale battle in anticipation of the upcoming Campaign that will be announced in the next few weeks. All groups willing to participate in the campaign are therefore invited.
The battle will take place on Sunday April 12th at 18.30 UTC
TS assembly: 17.30 UTC
Briefing starts at 18.00 UTC
Battle starts at 18.30 UTC
TS3 server: vs15.tserverhq.com:6247 no password
Gameserver: port 2332. The server will be up to verify your mods.
The battle will last 2 hrs
Required mods:
@CBAA3 (version RC6 hotfix); @TFAR (v0.9.7.3 );@AGM (v. 0.95.3);@ATC
The map used will be Altis.
Campaign outline and details
To register for the battle please fill up the form here.
Hope we see you all in Altis, have fun!
Credits & Acknowledgements
A Big Thank to enc0ded.enable for ATC6 mission scripting, to {BDR}Cobra for mission editing & website maintenance; {BDR}Flipper for some scripts; UNA_Karlis for organisational help, and you all for playing and enjoying!