Saturday, 09 March 2013 14:14
The tenth battle of the ATC5 Campaign took place on March 6th. It was a great battle, Blufor and Redfor fighted to the very end. The victory is for Blufor side, they managed to conquer all Redfor sectors. The ATC5 Campaign is therefore concluded with a Blufor victory. All sides deserve congratulations for a great Campaign.
On Wednesday March 13th at 20.00 GMT (battle time) there will be an Evaluation Meeting, you are kindly invited to attend.
Now is time for medals, and for planning the next edition! Thanks for playing ATC!

The final situation after the tenth battle
Thursday, 28 February 2013 15:38
February 27th, ninth battle, third battle of Lutterloh, reports from the frontlines:
A harsh, intense battle, uncertain through the very end! Blufor manage to defend the Lutterloh region, which remains in Blufor hands. Sector B was captured early by Blufor, then lost and recaptured several times, but at the end sector B is blue. Sector A was never captured by Redfor, while sector C was captured by Red forces and Blufor could not manage to reconquer it. So the final outcome is that the Lutterloh region remains blue and Blufor regain the initiative.
Battle #10 will take place on Wednesday March 6th at 20.00 GMT. The Blufor will attack the Bergen region. Again, we expect a fierce fighting trough the end! Good luck all!

The theatre of the tenth battle
Saturday, 23 February 2013 01:21
The Redfor successfully defended all three sectors in the Airport region and counterattack! The ninth battle of the ATC5 Campaign will take place on Feb. 27th at 20.00 GMT. The Redfor will attack the region of Lutterloh. The Blufor will start with two garrisons in sectors A and C, while the Redfor will start with a garrison in B.
Good luck all!

The theatre of the ninth battle