Thursday, 14 February 2013 15:52
The seventh battle was fight in the region of Lutterloh. Again, it was a great battle, uncertain, fierce fightings were around all sectors. At the end, Blufor managed to conquer sector C and holding it trough the end. So the region of Lutterloh becomes blue, Redfor maintain possession of sector B. The eighth battle of the ATC5 campaign will take place on Wed. Feb. 20th at 20.00 GMT. Blufor will be attacking the Airport region (Fassberg, north east of the map).
Good luck!

Here the theatre of the eighth battle
Friday, 08 February 2013 13:05
The sixth battle took place in the region of Winsen. It was again a very good battle, uncertain till the end. The sector of Walle was under pressure all the time, and the sector of Winsen was taken soon by the Redfor, lost and recaptured several time by the Blufor Coalition. At the end two sectors were in Blufor hands, while Walle remained red. Blufor now counterattack, and they will try to conquer the region of Lutterloh. The second battle of Lutterloh will take place on Feb. 13th. Again, a fierce fight is expected! Good luck all!!

The theatre of the seventh battle
Friday, 01 February 2013 12:54
The fifth battle of the ATC5 Campaign took place in the region of Lutterloh. The battle was fighted and uncertain till the end. The Redfor succeeded in defending the region, that remained red. They will counterattack now on the region of Winsen. The second battle of Winsen will take place on February 6th. We all expect again a great battle! Good luck all!

Here the sixth battle theatre