Thursday, 08 November 2012 17:00
The second test in preparation for the ATC5 campaign will take place on Wednesday Nov 14th, at 20.00 UTC/GMT.
Details HERE
Game requirements:
Patch 1.62 plus the A2:CO COMPATIBILITY MP PATCH ( ACR LITE ), for those not having the ACR DLC;
@ATC5 mod; @CBA
Download links: see here GAME REQUIREMENTS
Alternate download through our repository. Instructions HERE.
Looking forward to a great campaign, the last in Arma2 pesumably!
Note: The ATC has a new TS3, the old one will be active till the end of the month. Please upgrade your bookmarks!

Wednesday, 07 November 2012 03:05
We are pleased to announce the fifth ATC (Arma Tactical Combat) Campaign for the season 2012-2013.
Starting from 2009 with Arma1, the ATC campaigns simulate operations between two opposite companies involving > 80 players. Each company consists of infantry squads, armored, recon and logistic sections, and air support, reflecting nearly real combat balance. Each side, or Company, is formed by alliances between different Units, each Unit will retain its Tag and will provide combat forces to the alliance according to the Unit specialization. A Commander will lead the operations through a clear chain-of-command.
The ATC campaigns are meant for individual players and groups that are looking for a well organized, teamwork oriented gameplay, with careful preparation and planning before each battle, and in the mean time looking for large scale, adrenaline-flowing PvP battles.
General Campaign features:
Attack/defense system, support system available for the Commander, hierarchical organization based on roles and specialization reflecting nearly real combat balance, weapon restrictons depending on role and speciality, vehicle limitations depending on soldier’s role, no vehicle resp, very careful preparation for each battle with strategy planning, ground recon and reharsal, advanced TeamSpeak multilevel communications.
New features for the 5th Campaign:
– New sides and units (BAF vs Russian Army)
– New scenery (Celle2 island)
– New equipments
and more..
Key features: tactics, teamwork, preparation, large scale PvP campaign
Campaign kickoff: Winter 2012
Registrations are open, for any enquiry please contact the ATC Staff through the website or directly in TeamSpeak3
Good luck in battles and have fun!
Wednesday, 17 October 2012 16:46
ATC 5 deployment
First test mission on Wednesday October 17th
Good Luck and enjoy!