Sunday, 20 May 2012 15:07
To the participants in the ATC4 Campaign CHERNARUS OPERATIONS 2011-2012, for their dedication, effort and sacrifice in battles, and for their professionalism in making a good game.
We all fought on different sides for a common objective. If we had fun and good memories to share with friends, Blufor or Redfor, we can say our mission was accomplished.
Final deployment:
BLUFOR SIDE: {BDR}, [H.AR.C.], =FSI=, CSF, [JG], [SW], HA CCCP. Commanders: HARC Mlacix, BDR Sibolo.
REDFOR SIDE: [8BZ], [PAC], [EC], [UNA], |TAB|. Commander: 8BZ Voy.
You have from now explicit permission to wear this medal and and ribbon, wear it with honor and
be proud of it.
This story shall the good man teach his son
W.Shakespeare, Henry V

Graphic design: BDR Gino, thanks to Ariete for help.
Saturday, 12 May 2012 13:22
With the fifteenth ATC4 battle (Battle of Pusta) on May 9th the ATC4 Campaign, Chernarus Operations 2011-12, is officially concluded.
At the end of the campaign, the East side controls 14 regions over 20 and they conquered 4 regions originally under Blufor control. So the Redfor side is deservedly the winner of the ATC4 Campaign (Chernarus Operations 2011-12).
Congrats to the winners and many thanks to all players that fought with high committment and determination this long campaign. Without your efforts this would have never been poossible!
See you all for a next edition!
Special mentions:
To the UNA Team for hosting ATC battles for a long time on their server
To UNA Luke and Vortex for help
To BDR Sibolo for ATC missions and scripts
To HARC TeaCup for the ATC mod and help
To the Commanders Mlacix and Sibolo for Blufor and Voy for Redfor for their efforts and time
ATC4 Campaign Evaluation Meeting
Monday May 14th, ATC TS3 Server, 19.00 GMT
Thursday, 03 May 2012 14:38
I am pleased to announce the fifteenth (and last) ATC4 battle on Wednesday May 9th at 19.30 GMT. The Blufor will attack Pusta, Prigorodky, Piz Kozlova.
Good luck!

Here the situation in Chernarus after the fourteenth battle, in orange the next battle area

Here the details of the next battle zone