Friday, 20 April 2012 14:51
I’m pleased to announce the fourteenth ATC4 Campaign battle. The Redfor side will attack the sectors of Rogovo, Pogorevka and Green Mountain.
As agreed with the Redfor Commander the ATC4 Battle #14 is postponed to Wednesday May 2nd at 19.30 GMT, due to a national holiday that involves several groups in Blufor side. I thank the Redfor side and the Commander, as well as all players, for understanding and fair play.
On Wednesday April 25th the Blufor and Redfor side will play a friendly match. Everybody is invited.

Details on the next fighting area
Thursday, 12 April 2012 16:07
I’m pleased to announce the ATC4 Campaign thirteenth battle, that will take place on Wednesday April 18th at 19.30 GMT. The Redfor will attack Pustoshka, Myshkino, Sosnovka.
Good luck!

The situation in Chernarus after the twelfth battle. In orange the theatre of the next battle.

Here the details of the next battle zone
Friday, 06 April 2012 13:38
I’m pleased to announce the ATC4 Campaign twelfth battle, that will take place on April 11th at 19.30 GMT. The Blufor will be attacking the region of Vybor, Lopatino and Airfield.
Good luck and Happy Easter!

The situation in Chernarus after the eleventh battle. In orange, the next battle theatre

Detail on the next battle area