Thursday, 29 March 2012 14:23
I’m pleased to announce the eleventh battle of the ATC4 Campaign which will take place on April 4th at 19.30 GMT. The Redfor will attack Cernogorsk.
As decided and agreed in the Team Leaders Meeting on March 28th, the duration of the Campaign will be of 15 battles in total, so we will fight 5 more batles from now. I thank all Team Leaders and players from both sides for their long lasting participation and interest in the ATC Campaign.
I wish all good preparation and good luck in battles!
The situation in Chernarus after the tenth battle. In orange, the theatre of the next battle.

The situation in Chernarus after the tenth battle. In orange, the theatre of the next battle.

Details on the next battle area
Thursday, 22 March 2012 16:07
The ninth battle of the ATC4 Campaign has been a very interesting and fighted one. The Blufor were attaching the region of Mogilevka, Vyshnoye and Zub. The Redfor had at beginning the control over Mogilevka and Vyshnoye. The Blufor succedeed in capturing Mogilevka but the Redfor responded by capturing Zub, then the castle was theatre of harsh fighting and changed ownership some times. The Blufor however succeeded in holding Mogilevka and Zub through the end. A great battle again, thanks to all players from both sides!
The tenth battle will be in the sectors of Staroye-Msta-Rag on Wednesday March 28th. Blufor will be attacking.
Due to daylight saving time (DST) or summer time adopted in many european countries, the UTC/GMT/zulu time for ATC battles is changed to 19.30 GMT, this will permit to have the same local time for battles for most of us.
Good luck everybody and we expect again a great battle and a lot of fight and fun!

The situation in Chernarus after the ninth battle. In orange, the theatre of the tenth battle
Thursday, 01 March 2012 13:58
We are pleased to announce the ninth ATC4 battle on March 21st at 20.30 GMT (muster time in TS3 20.00 GMT). The Blufor will attack the sector of Mogilevka – Vyshnoye – Zub.
We expect again a great battle and we congrat with both sides for their determination in fighting from beginning to the end!
Follow HERE the Course of the War!

Here the situation in Chernarus after the eigth battle

Here the details of the next fighting zone