Friday, 24 February 2012 00:22
The eight battle of the ATC4 Campaign will be fighted in the sectors of Stary Sobor, Novy Sobor and Kabanino on Wednesday Feb. 29th at 20.30 GMT. Redfor maintain the strategic initiative and will be attacking, they have one garrison in Stary Sobor, the Blufor will have two garrisons in Kabanino and Novy Sobor. If the Redfor will win again two sectors to one they will lose the initiative.
Good luck in battle!
Friday, 10 February 2012 14:22
The seventh battle of the ATC Campaign will take place on Wed Feb 22nd at 20.30 GMT (20.00 GMT muster time in TS3). The Redfor will attack the sectors of Lopatino, Vybor, Airport. Blufor will have two garrisons starting in Lopatino and Vybor, Redfor will have a garrison starting in Airport.
Here the map ilustrating the evolution of the Chernarus Operations 2011-12. The grey sectors are those not completely conquered by a given faction, the regions with two red sectors belong to East, the regions with two blue sectors are under West control.
Here the details on the operations theatre on Feb. 22nd (seventh battle of the Campaign).

Tuesday, 07 February 2012 16:07
The sixth battle of the ATC Campaign will take place on Wed Feb 8th at 20.30 GMT (20.00 GMT muster time in TS3). The Commanders have been informed the Blufor will attack the sectors of Pusta, Prigorodki, Kozlova.
Good luck!