Friday, 11 November 2011 23:29
The ATC4 Campaign is in an advanced phase of preparation.
Here the details on the next Test Battle.
Date: Monday, November 14th, 2011
Muster time: 20:00 GMT
Start of battle: 20:30 GMT
TS Address: ATC TS3
Requirements: ISLAND PANTHERA V2.61
See you all on Monday 14th!
Good Luck!
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Sunday, 13 March 2011 01:21
To the participants in the ATC3 Campaign TAKISTAN OPERATIONS 2010-2011, for their dedication, effort and sacrifice in battles, and for their professionalism in making a good game.
This medal is presented to all teams participating, because we all fought on different sides for a common objective. If we had fun and good memories to share with friends, Blufor or Redfor, we can say our mission was accomplished.
BLUFOR SIDE: {BDR}, [H.AR.C.], [UNA], [8BZ], {GGS} Bertez and Txema. Commander: Walker.
REDFOR SIDE: [EC], =FSI=,=MiU=, [Otstrel], {SR5}. Commanders: Polkovnik, Hornet, Zlover.
You have from now explicit permission to wear this medal and and ribbon, wear it with honor and be proud of it.

ATC 2010-2011
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me in Takistan,
Blufor or Redfor, Shall be my brother.
William Shakespeare, Henry V, Act 4, Scene 3
Saturday, 12 March 2011 17:46
The battle of Zavarak of March 9th was the conclusive battle of the ATC3 Campaign Takistan Operations 2010-2011. Here a summary of the operations. We fighted eleventh battles, from Dec. 8th 2010 to March 9th 2011.
Battle of Timurkalay, Dec. 8th, 2010 – The Blufor successfully defend Timurkalay
Battle of Khushab, Dec. 15th – The Blufor conquer Khushab
Battle of Feruz-Abad, Jan 5th. – The Blufor conquer Feruz-Abad
Battle of Garmarud, Jan. 19th – The Blufor secure the Garmarud region.
Battle of Garmsar, Jan. 26th – The Blufor attack Garmsar and secure the region.
Battle of Bastam, Feb. 2nd – The Blufor attack Bastam but the Redfor successfully defend the region.
Second battle of Garmsar, Feb. 9th – The Redfor counterattack on Garmsar and conquer the region.
Second battle of Garmarud, Feb. 16th – The Redfor attack Garmarud but are forced back.
Battle of Mulladost, Feb. 23th – The Blufor regain the strategic initiative and occupy Mulladost.
Third battle of Garmsar, March 2nd – The Blufor maintain the initiative and conquer back Garmsar.
Battle of Zavarak, March 9th – The Redfor successfully defend Zavarak.
The final situation in Takistan