Wednesday, 08 December 2010 01:24
The BLUFOR and REDFOR Companies deployment in Takistan is completed
UNA, HARC, BDR, 8BZ, two GGS representatives
Teams willing to join the Campaign should contact the ATC Staff.
The ATC Campaign in Takistan (2010-2011) starts with the REDFOR assault on the Timurkalay region. BLUFOR duty to defend the sectors of Gur Dur, Timurkalay, Naran Darre.
Good Luck!
Friday, 03 December 2010 15:48
In the Team Leaders Meeting of Dec. 2nd we decided to confirm the start of the ATC Campaign 2010-2011 on Wednesday Dec. 8th at 20.30 GMT.
Here the side composition for the Campaign kickoff
Two GGS representatives (Betez and Txema)
In the case more teams will join those listed above (and they are welcome to do) they will be assigned to the two sides with the same criterion adopted above (= good balancing in numbers and strenght of the two factions).
– First battle
The REDFOR Commander informed us the REDFOR side will attack the region of Timurkalay. In the first battle the BLUFOR side will then defend the Timurkalay region.
– In game battle time will be decided by the REDFOR Commander and notificated to the server admin before starting the game (surprise attack)
– Next region to attack (second battle)
The winner commander will communicate the next region to attack at the end of the battle.
– Company Briefings
Each side (Company) will organize their own briefings and recon/plans/trainings
The ATC Staff wishes all good luck in battle and thank everybody for the precious help and contribution to this long campaign preparation, we are sure all these efforts will be rewarded with a lot of fun!
Special thanks to Oguras for the generous offer of the gameserver, to Socio, Inpace, TeaCup for their work with maps, scripting and modding, to all attendants to the meetings (Walker, M1c1mack0, Polkovnik, Vteck, Yoda, Betez, Obersky and all others) for their constant attendance and a lot of valuable suggestions, and to all players for patience in testing.
See the FORUM for the complete TL Meeting report.
Friday, 26 November 2010 20:50
After the Team Leaders Meeting on Thursday Nov. 25th I am pleased to announce we decided a date for the campaign kickoff, Wednesday Dec. 8th.
I thank the participating Team Representatives:
[MiU] Polkovnik, [UNA] Walker, [OTEA-TTK] Oguras, {BDR} Scevola, Bertez [GGS], [H.AR.C] m1c1mack0, [H.AR.C] teaCup, [H.AR.C] Hibrid, {BDR}Obersky, [UNA-E]Blade.
We decided the following changes in the campaign gameplay:
– remove the guided missiles from attack choppers (courtesy from HARC TeaCup)
– using the updated Sticks and Stones mod (again thanks to TeaCup), which enables radar on Linebacker to match with Tunguska
We agreed the Redfor side will be the attacking side at the start of the campaign, so I kindly ask the Redfor Commander to choose the region to attack at his earlier convenience to prepare the map to be played on Dec. 8th.
To celebrate the last week of peace in Takistan we organize a Blufor vs Redfor friendly PvP for Wednesday Dec. 1st
For details see the FORUM – You all are kindly invited to participate!
Good luck for the forthcoming campaign!