Info on the next event (battle #11):
Sides: U.S. Army vs Russian Ground Forces Date: Wednesday September 11th Participant assembly time: 18:15 GMT Event start: 19:00 GMT End of event: 21:00 GMT Registrations opening: Aug. 28th at 17:00 GMT Use this tool to calculate your timezone difference
Scenario (fictive): Reshmaan province, somewhere between Iranian-Afghanistan border, September 2015
20 years before the events that culminated with the invasion of Turkey and some Greek Aegean islands by Iran, Tehran's aims were directed towards its eastern border, and in particular the neighboring countries Afghanistan and Pakistan, which much later would have fallen under its influence. The relations between these countries had always been controversial. Linked by cultural, religious and ethnic reasons they were divided by geopolitical interests. The tension was high particularly in the province of Rehsmaan, and culminated in a local conflict that rapidly expanded. The U.S. felt forced to intervene and Russia, which always had interests in the region, felt forced to act in turn. On the morning of September 11th, 2015, elements of the Russian 4th Guards "Kantemirovskaya" Tank Brigade made their first contact with elements of the U.S. 1st Armored Division. The observers at the time believed the battle of Reshmaan would have been decisive for the future stabilization of the region but that was just the beginning…
Registration / slot reservation is required to be able to participate on this battle. For those players / groups who want to ensure their spots, I recommend not to wait too long as a "first comes, first served" policy will be applied. For all further info regarding game concept, registration, battle details, required addons, etc etc I refer to the .
_________________ Respectfully, Nemesi, Chief of Staff Arma Tactical Combat